Evaluation of status of Kiev water bodies using remote sensing data


  • Viktor Vyshnevskyi Institute of Water Resources and Land Reclamation NAAS, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Sergii Shevchuk Institute of Water Resources and Land Reclamation NAAS, Kiev, Ukraine




water bodies of Kyiv, Landsat 8, bloom of water, environmental condition, water temperature


The were presented the results of remote sensing data, made by satellite Landsat 8, for estimation of the ecological status of water bodies in Kyiv. The were found that during the year this status changes in large scale. The largest fluctuations and simultaneous deviation from the state of the Dnipro river obtained for lakes. For the determination of water bodies status there were proposed to use indexes NDPI, NDTI and the meaning of B3 channel, which corresponds to the green color.


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Earth observation data applications: Challenges and tasks