The initial stage of geological development of the continental Earth's crust in the territory of Ukraine in Dokatarhey-Archean


  • Stanislav Yesypovych Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth Institute of Geological Science National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



classical idea, ooidno ring, forming, continental Earth’s crust, tectonic co-centers, ntersection/overlay, geodynamicа


This paper contains a diagram of ring structures within the territory of Ukraine from the point of view of the classical idea elaboration on forming the dawn of continental crust on the ooidno-ring stage of planet evolution. This diagram is a development of O.B. Gintov concept about tectonic co-centers as structures with stable nuclei and mobile ring frames. The attention draws to intersection/overlay zones, as critical geodynamic areas of the Earth’s crust.


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