The analysis of the methane macroleakages geological nature in the northwest Black Sea and their displays on satellite images


  • Anatolii Vorobiov Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth Institute of Geological Science National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Melnychenko Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth Institute of Geological Science National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



the methane macroleakages from a sea bottom, acoustic methods, deep faults, displays of the methane macroleakages on satellite images


The analysis of the geological nature of the methane macroleakages in the northwest Black sea on the basis of comparison of their position relatively of perspective oil gas structures and the analysis of the seismic information is made. Connection of the methane macroleakages sites location with crossing of two deep faults testifies to more probable deep nature of methane. The analysis of space images numbers after their computer processing and the visual analysis testifies to incidental displays of the methane macroleakages in form of the anomalies on space images.


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Earth observation data applications: Challenges and tasks