Utilizing remotely sensed data for atmospheric precipitation analysis in Ukraine


  • Aleksandr Аpostolov Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Olesia Honchara str., 55-b, Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3470-7613
  • Tetiana Orlenko Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Olesia Honchara str., 55-b, Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4933-7750
  • Lesia Yelistratova Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Olesia Honchara str., 55-b, Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7823-5841




precipitation, remote sensing data, long-term analysis, GEE


Up-to-date, the world, including Ukraine, faces one of the biggest environmental problems: climate change. Studying changes in meteorological indicators is an essential task that receives significant attention. Changes in atmospheric precipitation in Ukraine from 2000 to 2023 were analyzed. The study is based on satellite data to establish trends in precipitation changes.
Nowadays, in the era of big data, selecting the best-performing dataset can be challenging. Current cloud-based technologies, such as Google Earth Engine (GEE), which store both petabytes of data and computational power for processing, offer researchers new opportunities to use and explore available datasets. The GEE service and NOAA satellite data were used to assess the spatiotemporal patterns of precipitation changes in the 21st century. Advanced cloud-based processing techniques for remotely sensed data offer extensive access to a wide range of geospatial products. These include detailed earth surface characteristics and the spatial distribution of climate indicators collected over extended periods.
Additionally, these technologies enable efficient processing and analysis of large-scale datasets, facilitating rapid assessment and monitoring of extensive geographical areas. This capability is crucial for applications in environmental monitoring and climate change studies. Average long-term values of precipitation amounts over 24 years were calculated monthly for the entire year. The research revealed specific trends in seasonal changes in precipitation characteristics during the study period, and the obtained results correspond to the current state of climatic conditions in Ukraine.


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Techniques for Earth observation data acquisition, processing and interpretation