About the Journal

Ukrainian Journal of Remote Sensing

ISSN: 2313-2132 (Online)

The founders of the journal are the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Institution "Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth IGS NAS of Ukraine"

The journal was founded in March 2014.

The frequency of the journal is quarterly.

The journal is an electronic scientific specialized edition. It is distributed on the Internet in open access.

The journal serves the Earth observation community with the publication of new data of science and practice in the field of remote sensing of the Earth (RSE), scientific generalizations, the results of experimental studies, new hypotheses and principles, etc.

The main sections of the journal:

  • Fundamentals of remote sensing
  • Techniques for Earth observation data acquisition, processing and interpretation
  • Earth observation data applications: Challenges and tasks
  • General problems in remote sensing
  • Information on remote sensing scientific forums

The journal is designed for a wide range of specialists, practitioners, scientists, teachers, engineers, graduate students, students.

Authors may submit their articles in Ukrainian or English.

The editors consider the submitted materials, adhering to the copyright and ethical standards of scientific publication. The quality of the illustrations corresponds to the quality of the source materials presented by the authors.

Indexing Services:

Content Aggregators:

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 02.07.2020 No. 886, the journal was included in the List of Scientific Specialized Publications of Ukraine in the fields of geological and technical sciences (specialties - 103,172) category B.

By the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of October 07, 2015 No. 1021, the journal is included in the List of electronic scientific specialized publications of Ukraine by branches of technical and geological sciences.